In this post , I will demonstrate how to create a PostgreSQL and MySQL databases in GCP CloudSQL and how to access the database via cli and directly logging into the VM as well . […]
628 total views
Welcome to Cloud Shell! Type “help” to get started. Your Cloud Platform project in this session is set to qwiklabs-gcp-01 Use “gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]” to change to a different project. parwezgcp01@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-02-18918b9b83e4)$ bash […]
439 total views
1. Get the credential of the GKE Cluster Welcome to Cloud Shell! Type “help” to get started. Your Cloud Platform project in this session is set to qwiklabs-gcp-04-302f12498b68. Use “gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]” to […]
466 total views
Steps: Create a VPC It will by default create router,securty groups ,NACLS, route tables Create internet gateway Create 2 subnet in the VPC One public subnet, one private subnet Create one route table in which […]
1,007 total views
Updating the Exadata System Software on database servers is a process that entails patching the entire Oracle Linux operating system, and related Exadata software rather than just updating single packages. Updating the operating system does […]
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Today we will see how to generate plans in graphical form freely in PostgreSQL. Try to generate a plan in json format by using the below prefix before any query you want to check plan […]
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Table partitioning is the practice of splitting a large table into smaller sub-tables and each sub-table is created using separate CREATE TABLE commands. So every time you query data, PostgreSQL scan and process a smaller […]
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All information associated with a relation is stored in several different forks1 , each containing data of a particular type. At first, a fork is represented by a single file. Its filename consists of a […]
735 total views
The Percona XtraBackup tools provide a method of performing a hot backup of your MySQL data while the system is running. Percona XtraBackup is a free, online, open source, complete database backups solution for all […]
570 total views
The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through […]
442 total views